
Breakout: Economic Recovery

Breakout: Economic Recovery
11 June, 2020

Breakout: Economic Recovery

DATE: 17th of June 2020

TIME: 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM (CEST)

Breakout Session

Combining Economic Recovery and Social Equity in Europe

In Europe, politicians face enormous challenges moving from coronavirus crisis management to restarting the economy. Economic and social consequences of the global financial crisis have taught us that returning to the status quo with a strong belief in the power of markets and an emphasis on the role of the individual is short-sighted. Instead, during this recovery period, progressives must develop concepts for combining economic progress with social equality and favouring cooperation and solidarity over competition.


a sustainable recovery & just transition agenda

Renewing the parameters of innovative, carbon-neutral, digital and globalised economies that foster welfare, social equity and social mobility

The Speakers

Policy Analyst & Deputy Director, Union Policy Institute Katalys
Professor of Political Science at the University of Zurich
General Secretary of the European Foundation of Progressive Studies
Head of Policy at the Centre for Progressive Policy and a Crook Public Policy Fellow at the University of Sheffield
Chief Economist and Director General for Economic and Fiscal Policy and Global Economy at the German Federal Ministry of Finance
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